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What pores?

I love taking a bath. Well, I am Japanese and grew up there until 20s after all.

BUT! In Australia, there is not alway a bath tub in an apartment...!

It may be a trend but for me it is a crisis. So I bought this portable bath tub from eBay.

Anyways, that's not what I wanted to talk about today.

Most of us are bothered by strawberry nose - blackheads on nose.

I wasn't an exception. I used to have this nose which felt like a sand paper....I hated it but I didn't know better.

Tonight, I will share how to maintain my "nose job"

Now I have studied how our mysterious skin works.

So this is what I do to improve my pore issue.

  1. fill up your tub with some bath salt - not necessary but it will make your bath time 10 x better.

  2. Get a small hand towel and dunk it into a nice hot water.

3. Place that hot & warm towel on your face - repeat a couple of times.

4. Use your facial exfoliating scrubs on problem areas ONLY - I scrub glabella (between eyebrows), nose & chin.

5. GENTLY but throughly remove exfoliating scrubs with the face towel.

6. If you have sensitive skin and use anti ageing (or acne prone skin products), better not o use your usual skin care products as your skin will absorb everything much more than usual. Anti ageing skin cate products tend to contain retinol and acne prone skin care products tend to contain acid such as salicylic acid or AHA, BHA, and these ingredients may irritate your skin.

I use emepelle Night Cream every night which contains retinol etc but tonight I use these products only.

Hydrating Booster -> 5-HP Youth Cream. Nothing harsh but hydrating tonight. My skin will be smooth and fine tomorrow morning.

You try this and you will know what I am talking about.

Have a good night xx

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