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Completely Completed!!

There are more than a few hiccups than I anticipated but we are finally and completely completed!! I would like to share my K2yh journey!

BEFORE the facelift operation

In the MIDDLE of the facelift operation

AFTER the facelift

Some didn't come out as I expected but most of them are exactly how I imagined and I am very very happy :))

You come across many "unknowns" when starting a small business. I'm sure that you have witnessed a business disappeared more often than you should... It is so important to find the "RIGHT POEPLE". e.g. a banker, an accountant, an insurer, a solicitor, a certifier, a designer, suppliers, a builder and so on and on and on ...I am very lucky as I have many people who helped and connected me with those professionals along the way. (There were a few hiccups though...!)

Most of them are my life savers, motivators, cheerleaders, angels and you name it. I can't thank them enough and don't know how to repay them as I almost gave up on everything more than once. Starting a business and running it by myself for the first time words to describe really. Not to mention, you have to abide by all the regulations and guidelines particularly made for the type of business you are in which no one would hand a check box list to you but you have to go find every one of them. It's like finding a lost dog without knowing in which country they were lost.

You DO need everyone's help when your life is on the line.

The people who worked on my renovation are just FANTASTIC. They tried to accommodate the delay that was caused by other people and did more than I asked for without me asking them! Without them, I am sure I would have not been able to open until next year!!

Not that I brag about it because I am Japanese....but in Japan we say "customers are GODS" so treat them like ones regardless. We are imprinted that way. Oh yes, the people who helped me with the reno are Japanese. (Most people who help me are not Japanese and are also GREAT. I was so blessed.)

If you are looking for a builder who really looks after you, contact Toyota san.

JCG Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 89 622 661 303

PO BOX 280


Toyota 0423 883 273

P.S. I can tell you this now but one of the hiccups I mentioned above turned out to be very malignant and it gave me sleepless nights, hives and even a chest pain. I have never felt this way to a stranger this much whom I paid a top dollar to do their job. I certainly did not deserve that but at the end I made it out myself with a lot of people's support. That is why it is so very important to choose the right professionals when your life is on the line.

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