For the past year or two, I always have thought that "my patients who come for regular Starwalker maintenance have much better skin than mine." Their skin is smooth, bright and fine texture with not much invisible pores. For the past couple of years, I was too busy to have Starwalker done on my face but I should start maintaining now.
1064nm Starwalker Q-Switched Nd-YAG laser reaches deep layer in the skin stimulates collagen, breaks down pigments, shrink pores, breaches & removes hairs etc. There is no major down time so you won't have a headache scheduling your appointment.
One of the side effects though is breakouts. As the laser reaches deep inside the skin, any impurities will explode when laser hits them. You may notice bumps & lumps the next day or so. It does not happen to everyone but I say fifty fifty chance. If you are prone to acne/pimples, there will be more chance but once those impurities are out and you maintain regularly, it is likely to happen only after a couple of sessions.
So, like I mentioned earlier, I had not had Starwalker for over 2 years. I had never had breakouts except for the first time I had this laser a decade ago. What happens if you have built up impurities deep inside your skin for this long. And this is the result. (makeup on)
Eww this is how many gunks I was holding in my skin!!
It is a bit itchy and does not look pretty now but I feel much better because now my skin is detoxed.
This is day 7 (makeup on). The bumps settled on day 3 and by day 5 my skin was almost back to smooth. I was getting pimple every now and then especially for the past couple of years but now as the source is gone I will have much less pimples.
I am determined to maintain so that my skin can catch up with my patients'!