Vol. 17 The Spirit of Zen?
In the new year's issue, I talked about how people look radiant when they are happy. This month, it is Setsubun, and in keeping with the saying "Demons out, good fortune in," I would like to continue from last month and talk about peace of mind.
In these stressful times, it is not easy to always have a happy mind. Even if you try your best and try to do the right thing, you will hit a wall as long as you are alive. It is admirable to have the desire to be better in everything. But in this world, as long as there are many different people and many rules, you will sometimes be frustrated or held back.
Even if I clear one wall, the next one, and the next one... I realized that there is no end to it.
So, since it is difficult to change the world, what should I do? Stress also affects beautiful skin. Teens who come for acne treatment tend to get more acne before exams. Since stress is something that will never end as long as you are alive, I came up with a desperate measure.
Simply put, give up. It's not as easy as it sounds, but I accept what comes and let it go. For example, it's no use asking an unreasonable person to understand me with words, so I'll just accept as this person is and spend as little time with them as possible, and move forward. I'll end the conversation with "Ok fine." And I'll have to accept the unreasonable conditions they provided, but I learned that if the result is the same or worse if we fight, it's wise to give up from the beginning. World can be unfair even if you're right. And sometimes money is spent because of it. I gave up on that too. It's money for me to live peacefully, so I'm paying money to buy peace rather than trouble. My friends and family get angry for me and say, "That's crazy!", but I decided that that's better than stress. It's impossible to turn the world upside down, so if it's a losing battle, rather than spending the effort and time to correct the mistake, I'll give up and let it go from the beginning. Another example is if someone has done something or said something very unreasonable, even though you haven't done anything wrong legally or let alone morally. Then, no matter how many days pass, the scene keeps repeating in your head and you feel knots in your stomach. At that time, I would ask myself, "Is this incident having some negative effect on me at this right moment?" If not, getting irritated and losing my focus will only come back negative to me. Let's forget it." I felt lighter. You just need to do what you can to the best of your ability, and there is no need to give space to think about the person who unreasonably hurt you.
It may be abstract and difficult to understand, but there are many things in life. I try to apply it to everything that causes stress in all of them. If you are stressed every time, your mind and body will collapse. Stress comes endlessly. Just like you can feel the blue sky is beautiful, you can't change the way you perceive it. If the trauma of the past doesn't affect you at this right moment, throw them away. Even if you don't forget them, if you get rid of the vague feelings that have been bothering you forever, they will just be memories of the past. All of those things have made you who you are today, so if you are looking forward and happy now, there is no benefit to remembering them and feeling pain again.
I also meditate every day. Separate your mind from your head that are thinking about this stressful complicated world, and bring your mind to a quiet, calm place where these problems have nothing to do with you. By doing this every day, you will be able to maintain a calm and stable mental state, little by little. I used to suffer from insomnia, but once I reduced my stress, I was able to sleep at night. Beauty sleep is the nourishment for beautiful skin.
But please don't get me wrong. Of course, there are many things we should reflect on and try not to give up on. That's how people grow by overcoming obstacles without giving up. That's why I think it's okay to sift situations and focus only on the important things, and to accept and let go of things that you don't agree with. Especially if the other person is wrong, you don't need to give them a place in your heart. It's not as easy as it sounds, but you just need to keep that mindset each time.
It is what it is. Forget about it and let's move on x