English translation below (Google translate used)
Overflowing information on internet
The Internet is very convenient, isn't it? For those of us who are called the BG (Betore Google) generation, we used to look up information in the Yellow Pages, libraries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps etc...but now, the Internet, which allows you to simply enter a word and search, has become an indispensable and convenient tool.
However, there is so much information flying around that we don't know what to believe time to time.I hear some of my customers say, "The Internet says this and that".
Today, I'd like to talk about my views on the Internet.
I don't know if all the information is true. But I think that the fact that there are various opinions is all true in a sense. The real question is what the topic is and what the answer is about.
Here are some examples.
Is HIFU treatment not good for older people?
I think this is based on the fact that as we age, the fat in our faces decreases, and that volume that's imoprotant to create plumpness (the source of youth) will be lost.
The view probably is that fat cells break down in high temperature, and is its 60-70 degrees celcious temperature caused by HIFU will reduce fat.
Now, is this true? HFU also has various settings and applicators. Some of them are for fat reduction. So if you treat with wrong settings, it can destroy fat cells.
If a knowledgeable person does the treatment properly, HIFU is a great treatment. I myself have been treating my face regularly for several years too.
As you get older, beauty treatments become more in demand.
There is no point in inventing something that older people cannot take advanteage of, is there?
2. Is Sunscreen with Zine in it not good?
This is based on a TV news I saw a few years ago, which talked about the possibility that Zinc may cause cancer.
There are many other "ingredients" that are said to be bad. Hydroquinone, parabens, etc. If we are talking about those "demerits", then all the information on the Internet is probably true.
But is a chemical sunblock better than Zinc, which is a physical sunblock? It also has its drawbacks. Also, we humans produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet rays on our skin, so whether it's physical or chemical sunscreen, we may suffer from vitamin D deficiency. So what if we don't take measures against UV rays? Problems such as skin cancer, age spots and wrinkles can occur. I tell my customers who come to treat age spots that it's important to take measures against UV rays because there is no need to make vitamin D from the face and there are supplements available.
3. Is chemical peel harmful?
I don't provide chemical peel very often here, but we live surrounded by chemicals. Technically, our bodies are covered in chemicals.
I think that as long as we live, some kind of "poison" will enter our bodies every day. For example, oxygen is poison, isn't it. Do you stop breathing? Alcohol is poison. Do you stop drinking alcohol? Sugar is poison. Nail polish and hair dye are poison too. The important thing is to have proper knowledge and use things properly that can be "poisons" so that they don't cause problems for your body. Balance is important.
I'd like to share a story from one of my customers. Her uncle didn't get the vaccine during the coronavirus pandemic, saying, "I won't get the vaccine because I'll die if I get it." As a result, he contracted the coronavirus and died at a young age in his early 50s. This is only a "results", so of course there will be people who will get rather unfortunate results whether they use what they think is a "poison" or not. Since it is up to you to decide, why not try to find out what you want to protect most at that time and what is the best way to do it, rather than just letting the overflowing information decide what's important for you?
In general, Japanese people tend to jump on anything when they hear "this is great!" However, there are many cases where those who say this do not understand at all "why it is good" or even "what it is".
It is impossible to completely avoid "poisons" in life. Just accept the information that is correct as knowledge that there are such "disadvantages", think about how much of the "pros of poisons" you should use for yourself, and live a happier life.