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Domestic Violence in Australia

This may have nothing to do with beauty skin treatment and I wasn't sure if I say anything about this sensitive topic but I've decided to share my story.

I will try to choose my words very carefully but if I offend anybody in anyway I apologies. I am writing this in hopes of helping people understand a little more of these sad situations.

But first let me be clear that these events occurred to me a long time ago and I am strong and happy now :)

There are so many, too many women and children (maybe some men too) that have been victimised by violence.

I hate to say this but I have been one of them. (If there are levels of violence mine probably would be "moderate" as I never had to go to hospital but just therapies.)

I don't care which word "survivor" or "victim" would be used to describe me as that does not change who I am today.

I want men or strong people to be protectors but reality is not always like hero movies.

I do not want to differentiate men and women as "violence" is "violence" to anyone but statistically many of them are unfortunately women (and children) who cannot overpower men.

What's the worst thing of all is that it's not easy to talk to people around you and if you finally did talk to them they won't always understand.

I was told things like...

What did you do to deserve a punch?
Yuriko, you are an iron woman so I feel sorry for him! lol
Everything is your fault. You should control the situation like an adult.
Why don't you just leave?

If you know what I'm talking about here you'll know that

It does not matter what you say. You can say nice things and still get hit. THEY ALWAYS FIND A REASON.
The situation isn't something you can control.
Abused people tend to think that the worse things might happen if they leave. (I thought he would come after my family.)

I finally opened up as I was broken, bleeding and sad and I needed help but I ended up hurt and felt so alone.

I guess for most people, until unfortunate events happen to them, they can't really understand the severity.

It may be my fault as it was sometimes hard to show my real emotion. Why? Because my life goes on and I was scared how people will look at me after wards. Also, those abusive people do have good and loveable sides and I didn't want people to taint their image completely because of things I said.

Abusive people (that I've known anyways) would say things like..

You think this is violence? I can show you what violence really looks like.
I am so sorry. I really love you and it won't happen again. (all sweet and sometimes crying)
If you leave, I will kill you and kill myself.

It wasn't only one man whom I have these experiences. That means this kind of things are not rare occasions I guess.

To those who are in unspeakable situation, please know that you are not alone and there are help that you can use so please be brave and use them.

To those who have never been in such situation, bless you and please try to imagine that people who have been abused have seen and experienced that you can't even fathom and try to listen a little more carefully to what they really want you to know. Because they won't tell you the whole story but may just give you a hint from desperation.

I had some people who helped me thought this so I was very lucky to have them and can't thanked them enough.

I have recently been getting emails and informations about that Australian government is acting for those in help so if you are scared to speak up, please at least use those helps you can reach.

Related links

Australian Government Department of Social Services:

Verve Super:

Below is a copy of news letter from Japanese Consulate 16th May 2024





1 DV被害事件の増加を踏まえ、豪州政府はDV被害者への支援策を拡充しています。もしDV被害を受けている場合は、一人で悩むことなく声を上げて相談して下さい。

2 身体的暴力等で命の危険があるときは、ためらわずに警察(電話000)に電話をするか、最寄りの警察署に行って下さい。警察署では日本語の通訳者を手配してくれます。


3 これらの豪州政府からの様々な支援は、被害者の国籍や滞在資格(ビザの種類)にかかわらず全ての人が受けることが出来ます。豪州政府は被害者に対して、一時滞在シェルターの紹介、一時的な経済支援、医療支援、法律アドバイス、カウンセリング等を無償で提供しています。

4 DVは身体的虐待だけではなく、性的虐待、精神的虐待、社会的虐待、経済的虐待等を幅広く含みます。もしDV被害に遭っているのではないかと思う場合は、一人で悩まずに



5 一時滞在査証で豪州に滞在している場合は、豪州人パートナーからのDV被害を公にすることで滞在資格を失うことを心配して被害を我慢するケースがあります。豪州政府はDV被害によって主たるビザ保有者(配偶者等)との関係が破綻したという理由だけで一時滞在ビザを取り消さない政策を採っていますので、ビザ関係窓口に相談して下さい。


6 なお、当館では、当地でDV被害者等を支援する団体「Bonnie Support Service Ltd」と提携し、DV被害で悩んでいる邦人のための相談窓口を開設しています。 対象は、NSW 州にお住まいの邦人女性(及び子供)で、日本語による相談が可能です。DV被害でお悩みの方は、下記相談窓口もご活用下さい(NSW州以外の地域にお住まいの方については、情報提供やお近くの相談機関のご紹介を行います。)。


Level 12, 1 O'Connell Street,

Sydney NSW 2000 Australia



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