Starting a business. Sounds difficult enough as is, right? But oh did I know it would be this hard. There is absolutley no word for it. Where do I about, I had ZERO knowledge about starting a business. It wasn't even on my radar. It was like walking in a very thick fog with my arms wide open so that I won't trip over anything.
As I was the first business owner x I was only a casual employee for 15 years, no bank (or even loan sharks!) with the right mind would not lend me money. I had maybe 20 rejections.
The reason why I wanted to start a business is another day's story but I was not in a good place then and my choice would be either 'no job' or 'my own business'. So mentally I was already vulnerable. I am proud to say that I did so well considering but imagine how I felt when I was told these soul crushing words:
IT IS 100% IMPOSSIBLE -said by a broker.
We don't have an appetite for this kind of business AT ALL - said by a bank.
You think these are the worst? Heck no, Many of them didn't even get back to me after they said they would.
My future plan was switching right to left everyday.
And that was only one of dozens of my problems.
Victoria, the owner of Instock and her husband had been giving me advice. Since I did not know any details of her journey to her successful business, to me it almost looked like it was easy for her and I was a loser. I mean I wasn't negative but I was just not cut out for it and it was what it was.
I told them what I was told and I was ready to give up. It just did not look like it was possible. Simply I was tired.
Victoria sent me messages.
First, they were short encouraging messages. Then, I don't know maybe she sensed I was totally crushed. She sent me a long touching message and told me what she went through.
That is when, for the first time, I learned that she had been through hell to start up her own business too. She knew exactly what I was going through. My eyes were opened. I was ashamed that I thought it was easy for everyone else and I believed I did everything I could but I was far from it. Well, it wasn't easy for everyone else but they never gave up. So I gathered all my whatever remaining energy and started to contact people and "beg" again. And this banker from NAB discovered me and the rest is history. Actually the banker's name is Victoria too. She was just brilliant and worked like a supercomputer for me but that's also for another day's story.
Victoria puts everything into her business. No compromise, no BS. She is a perfectionist to a T. Her work is just so beautiful. You see her work and you would say the same I promise. To do that, of course, it's not easy! It's not easy to balance between work and family. It's not easy to make everything perfect the way you want. It's not easy to work with other people when you have particular images in your head...nothing is easy when you are more serious about anything, isn't it? Because you really care.
To tell the truth, even though I had known her for many years, I did not know that side of her. She was always pretty, bubbly, reliable and friendly and even though I knew she was a very special girl I did not know she was this big of a person and so deep. She is 16 years younger than me too! And frankly, she moved me.
She is pretty & beautiful inside and out and the most balanced minded girl I have ever met. (This doesn't mean she's always calm but that's her charm really!) No one's perfect but to me she is close to perfect.
Please let me remind you that this is my blog and not an advertising page. Everything I say here is purely and truly what I think and feel.
I give people a face lift but Victoria gave me a heart lift.
Many people helped me to get here and she's one of them.
I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her and I am so very grateful.
What a lucky girl I am.
Check out her beautiful stockings! You'll know what I'm talking about and love love love them!!
instagram: instock_aus